Thursday, June 24, 2010

A classmate blog´s

Today I visited Maria Olvido blog`s. In this blog I found 12 posts of very varied topics, in the some post, she write about herself and in other post, she write about her opinion of some education topics or of her carrier.
The features of this blog that I like me is that is understandable. I can read and understand what she says. I don´t know if that happens because she write very well and so I understand or is because I have improved my English reading. Anyway the two reasons are good.
I found two posts that I like. The first that I like, she it wrote the may 6, in this she talks about the web site: This post I like me because I didn´t know this web site and what she says this web site is going to be useful to me to find information for my academics works.
The second post that I like, she wrote the may 11, in this she talk about the place called “Rinconada de Huampoe. What she says and what photo she shows, I think that this place should very nice. I like the place that is covered with green and where there were a lot of trees, I like the nature and she says that this place like that.
I don´t know what aspect she should focus for improve her English in her blog. I find that it´s okay. Maybe I do not see details.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ken Robinson says "the school kills the creativity"

Today I will talk about a person that I did not know until now. He says a lot of very interesting things about education. I’m talking about Ken Robinson, who gave a conference where he talked about actual education. In this conference, he criticized the education’s system, and he told stories about how their children were using their imagination, but they were not understood. So, he said that schools kill the creativity and imagination. This is a thing very interesting idea for analysis, because if you think, what do children do when they are at the school?
We can say that mostly, children memorize contents and the contents are not diverse. So, I think that before creating new things, they should learn the theory, but, of course, they can also learn the contents with creative. I don´t know very well but I think that when I grew up I lost my creativity, I lost the surprise’s capacity and I found out that nothing was new, so I became more structured.
What Robinson said was true: when we are adults we have scare to commit mistakes, so we don’t test new things and I think that is bad in a lot of ways, so is very important promote the imagination to create new things and thus be innovators.

If you heard this conference you visit
I will recommend

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My best friend

My best friend is Camila, we know since that we entered the school in first grade but if I remember correctly we are friends since fourth grade, that's 12 years ago I consider her like a sister by the time we know and because I know that although she is not close to me because we live in different cities, she'll be there if I need it and she also knows I'm there for when she needs me. Camy is a very intelligent, sensitive and sometimes bizarre, but above all interesting because she knows a lot about many things and I like that, with she you can spend hours talking about without getting bored, so I think what we like to do when we get together is going to a good coffee and talk and talk. I like that she always has a story of something new, a new band, a new place to go, like any thing and are always good things. I think in many things she and I were like the same things. Another thing we have in common is a interest for the arts, even at school went together to a theater workshop. But one of the few things we have not been able to share are the partys. I think that we do not like the same things because I like to dance and drink from time to time, but she is calmer, but it is a detail
now it's fun because she is studying medicine and then psychiatry study and I study psychology so we are always talking about mental health and we exchanging experience of the activities we participate in university. We dream of working together in a clinic or open our mental health center but for that we have finished studying… it takes time to. For now only we plan to go on holiday together somewhere.